Sunday, July 7, 2013

Couple's corner "The Beauty of Simplicity"

Today's economy is a perfect opportunity for couple's to discover ways to live more by spending less. Many of us have directly or indirectly been affected by downsizing, cut backs or layoffs.

As couple's seek to get more bang for their buck there are still ways we can connect on the cheap. Here are a few things couple's can do on a shoe string budget.

*Borrow free movies from the library to watch

*Take walks outside together

*Share one entre' at your favorite restaurant

*Go out for dessert only

*Discuss your dreams for the future

*Re-arrange your furniture and fixtures together for a new look

*Check out local paper and activity guide for free community events

*Sit down together and write out 5 goals and discuss how to implement them

*Attend church together

These are just a few suggestions to get you started. As you sit and brain storm there are so many more ways to date on a dime. If we seize the moment and allow our creativity to blossom by cutting costs we will find ourselves living richer and fuller lives, together.

Do you have any suggestions or comments?  Please share.

everyday talk for everyday women...

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