We all need a little rest and relaxation sometimes. This may come in the form of a major vacation or a mini vacation. Our family has learned to use mini vacations to our advantage. It's called vacations on the cheap! You know my story, everything gets done on an income of one, well almost everything.
I have learned to use all resources to find ways to relax, relate and release. For me the beach is the answer and so we take off to our local state park. The beach at the state park is just like a beach anywhere else, water and lots of sand. Admission to the state park is $4.00 and the commute is twenty minutes. What a great mini vacation. We pack our cooler full of drinks and sandwiches and the trunk full of hot dogs, buns and chips and we are on our way to enjoy our day.
We try to take a major vacation and for those who read this blog, you know we are planning to take the children to see all fifty states before they leave the nest. The way we see it, we can travel on the cheap as long as we do the following:
*We make our plans as far in advance as possible
*We only book hotels that provide continental breakfast (saves money when feeding 5)
*We use any coupons available
*We take along a cooler full of ice, drinks, lunch meat, and cheese. There is always a bag of goodies for the children to eat on the road trip, pre-packed by me.
Don't you want to hit the beach now?
For a family of five living on one teacher's income it seems we can hardly afford to take vacations, but the way I see it for the rest and relaxation they bring, we can't afford not to.
everyday talk for everyday women...
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