I decided to do something different with this post. Anyone who knows me knows I love reading, it's my favorite thing to do. I love reading life changing print. So here I will list ten of my favorite books, both adult and children's books. This was very hard to do considering I have hundreds on top of hundreds of books on my shelves, in baskets, piled on the floor and some still in boxes. Here a book , there a book, everywhere a book book, Verlyn Tarlton had some books e, i, e, i, o... Sorry, I couldn't resist, sometimes you just have to go with it. For each book I will give the authors name in case you want to purchase or borrow the book from the library. Enjoy!
Dr. Ben Carson
Cheri J. Meiners
Ann Voskamp
Francis P. Martin
Lisa Bullard
Randy Shankle
Genny Morchamp
T. Harv Eker
Willie Jolley
Verlyn Tarlton
I tried to provide a eclectic list because I enjoy different types of books. If you have read any of these please provide some feedback or if you plan to read any of these leave your comments as well. As always, thanks for your time, you are very much appreciated. Peace and blessings to you all! everyday talk for everyday women...
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