Monday, February 10, 2014

A family mission statement

So my husband and I have been talking about some future goals in terms of our family and our focus. In all of our planning I realized that in the past few years of talking we never wrote anything down. Maybe that's why we have missed some of our goals.

When you think about it, most companies, ministries and non-profit organizations have mission statements. They set goals and then make a plan on how they will carry them out. They have a vision and implementation.

Why not incorporate this strategy in our families? Here is a simple plan we have started and put into writing. Just the beginning works of a plan in action.

As we continue to talk we will add goals such as: raise our children to be respectful, responsible and resourceful adults.

It seems that putting our family mission/vision into writing is already bringing a sense of clarity and focus. There is a saying that "if you fail to plan-you plan to fail". Not sure where this quote is from but it makes lots of sense and plays out in real life! 

Our family focus whether short term or long term is important and with that said, it's worth taking the time to write it out and re-visit it.

Why not sit down and talk about your family's dreams and goals and bring clarity by writing them down. It may be a small beginning but it can bring about BIG results!

everyday talk....

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